Many thanks to Franklin Public Library in Michigan and Florence for this translation
In French, 'givré' (or 'givrée' when feminine... an orange if feminine 😀) has two meanings: 'frosted' or 'crazy'). In my opinion, these oranges are both : frosted AND crazy tasty!!!.
Serves 2.
Ingredients :
2 oranges
40 g brown cane sugar
2oz plain, whole milk yogurt (e.g. Dannon Whole Milk Plain 32oz; or Stonyfield Organic YoBaby Plain - at Plum Market)
Cut small slice of skin from non-stem end of whole oranges so that they stand up straight. Cut 1/2 inch from tops of oranges. Scoop out fruit from each orange and its top. Reserve scooped-out fruit. Freeze the whole oranges (cut-out tops, too).
Mix sugar with the scooped-out fruit. Add yogurt.
Strain the mixture into a roasting pan or baking dish. The dish should be large enough so the liquid is not more than 1-inch deep. As soon as the mixture starts freezing, remove from the freezer and scrape with a fork to break up ice. Return to the freezer and freeze until solid, about 2 to 3 hours, scraping with forks every hour or so. Scoop generously into the orange shells. Cover with top and freeze again until serving time.
Many thanks to Franklin Public Library in Michigan and Florence for this translation